Bridget Fletcher


Bridget Fletcher

Chief Executive

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

Bridget was appointed Chief Executive of Airedale NHS Foundation Trust in July 2010. She was previously Chief Operating Officer/Chief Nurse. She joined the Trust as Director of Nursing in 2005. Prior to this she held senior management roles in other NHS Trusts and was responsible for acute health services and professional nursing services.

As Chief Operating Officer/Chief Nurse, Ms Fletcher’s main focus was on embedding patient quality and safety systems across the organisation. As Chief Executive she is now concentrating on leading whole system redesign to help create a sustainable local health and social care economy. This means leading a radical change from a mainly traditional medical hospital dominated delivery model to one based on diversified services, designed in partnership with commissioners, providers, commercial partners and the community and delivered at the most appropriate point for patients. Patient-orchestrated care, at home/closer to home and enabled by technology, is at the heart of Bridget's strategy to deliver the organisation's Right Care vision.

Bridget Fletcher has worked on

  • 26/05/2016
  • Bridget Fletcher