Brexit and the NHS: tracking and understanding the impact

This roundtable helped the Nuffield Trust and academic collaborators shape a new project regarding Brexit and the NHS.


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The Nuffield Trust and academic collaborators started a new project to systematically track and analyse the effect of leaving the European Union on health and care in the United Kingdom. We looked across issues such as staffing, medicines and medical devices, cross border co-operation, and public health. The workshop aimed to produce concise and helpful quarterly updates which assess developments and bring together analysis of what they mean. We hoped that this will be a valuable resource for those working in this field, and will help to inform a wider debate that reaches into the political and media worlds. 

Chaired by Nigel Edwards, this event will take place at the Nuffield Trust from 8.30am-10am. 

This event is invitation only, however please register your interest if you would like further information.