Linking datasets for the benefit of children and young people

This seminar brought together key stakeholders from health and care, local government and research organisations to learn about data linkage for the benefit of children and young people.


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Data linkage has the potential to bring real benefits to children, young people and their families. It enables better decision making by joining up the dots and developing insights in order to improve services and offer more holistic care around the family.

Increasingly, local teams are combining information and building ambitious, linked datasets about children, young people, and households using information from different organisations. But what new insights are these local teams discovering and what changes are being made locally as a result?

These are some of the questions we discussed at a half-day seminar where participants had the opportunity to learn from others within health care, local government and research organisations. 

Chaired by Nigel Edwards, Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust, this event took place on Thursday 7th November at the Nuffield Trust office from 9am to 1.30pm. 

If you would like to find out more about the event, please get in touch by email via
