Predictive risk 2012: applying predictive risk approaches and models effectively

Our third annual conference on predictive risk explored how to make the best choices when applying predictive risk approaches.


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Across the UK there is an increased awareness of the potential of using predictive risk tools as a means to improve quality of care and reduce the costs of caring for people with long-term conditions. Such tools can help identify high risk patients and so prioritise preventive action in order to reduce the need for expensive hospital care.

The growing awareness of risk prediction has led to a range of different tools emerging. For example, in England there is an emerging market of different models and software products following the Department of Health’s decision not to fund a national update to its centrally procured models: the Patients at Risk of Re-hospitalisation tool (PARR++) and the Combined Predictive Model.

Against this backdrop, our third annual conference on predictive risk allowed delegates to explore how to make the best choices when applying predictive risk approaches. We brought together people who are expert in the development of the models, alongside the professionals using them within the health service. For more information on sessions and speakers, please download the programme on the right hand side of this page.

We have a long-standing interest in the way such tools are developed and applied and our conference focussed on the application of predictive risk tools for case finding. Further information about our work on predictive risk can be accessed via our website.



