Acute specialists’ roles in planning and delivering place-based care

The second in a series of Nuffield Trust private roundtable discussions on the development of Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs)


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The second in a series of Nuffield Trust private roundtable discussions on the development of Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs). Integrated Care Systems were formed across England in April to further embed collaborative working, improve population health, and deliver the core ambitions of the NHS Long Term Plan. 

Key questions discussed in this session

Place partnerships require providers to self-organise around this mission, and in this session we will discuss:


  1. What roles and responsibilities could acute specialists  have in place-based planning and delivery of care and population health management?
  2. What could daily interactions with patients look like? Or daily interactions with local provider partners look like? How are these changing under new place-based arrangements?
  3. What financial and non-financial incentives (beyond policy) might acute specialists require to engage in partnership working to develop new service models that span local partners?
  4. What are the potential barriers to change? And what can be done about them now to prevent them from having an impact? What are the things specialists / acute providers must stop doing to deliver the aims of place-based partnership?




A key part of the ICS vision is thriving place-based partnerships. In the first session in this series we examined the challenges and successes that partnerships had faced to date. In this session, we will discuss the opportunities for specialist providers to contribute to population health management as part of place-based leadership teams but also on the ground in the delivery of care with primary and community care. 

We will bring together clinicians, managers and other professionals who have been instrumental in developing and delivering ICPs, as well as researchers, policymakers and other key stakeholders. Discussions will inform a policy paper aimed at ICPs as they begin gathering momentum in the wake 

The Nuffield Trust is an independent health think tank. We run a range of free virtual and in-person events to stimulate discussion, bring people together and generate debate. They are a forum to provide evidence-based research and policy analysis, and an opportunity to share good practice through presentations and networking.

We partner with organisations to:

  • improve the quality of health and care.
  • challenge and support those involved in planning and delivering healthcare.
  • share knowledge and debate.
  • to influence policy and practice.

Get in touch with Rebecca Lupton to discuss opportunities to collaborate with Nuffield Trust.

