The accountable lead provider: a new force for innovation in commissioning care?

This event was a high-level Chatham House discussion which considered whether the accountable lead provider will be a viable model for commissioners in the reformed NHS


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About this event

This event was a high-level Chatham House discussion which considered whether the accountable lead provider (ALP) will be a viable model for commissioners in the reformed NHS.

As the name suggests, the accountable lead provider is a model of contracting where a single provider assumes responsibility (through a contract) for delivering an integrated pathway of services for a commissioner.

The accountable lead provider will therefore sub-contract with other providers to ensure the delivery of an integrated service for a defined client group or population.

The strength of the model is asserted to be that a commissioner can develop an outcomes-based contract with the accountable lead provider, and hence be able to lever a properly integrated service via the new set of incentives and provider relationships.

Delegates had the opportunity to:

  • Explore the ways in which the ALP model could improve commissioning and patient care;
  • Challenge and question commissioners and providers who are already using this model of working;
  • Discuss how the ALP model might be used by clinical commissioners;
  • Consider what support commissioners may require for this model of working;
  • Examine how the ALP model might operate within the new policy framework of choice and competition.

