Responding to the ADASS 2024 Spring Survey, Nuffield Trust Deputy Director of Policy Natasha Curry said:
“The latest survey of adult social care directors reinforces the grave financial challenges local councils are grappling with just to stand still in the face of growing and more complex needs for adult social care. The fact that 90% of councils are now not confident they have the funds available to meet what is asked of them should be ringing alarm bells for the new government.
“This perilous situation should press home the urgency of the need for a multi-year funding settlements and certainty for the sector. More immediate action to stablise this situation cannot be delayed for a further royal commission which could push any change even further into the future.
“Cost pressures on councils are growing as the type of care people need is changing suggesting that the model of care provided may not be fit for purpose. There is an urgent need for investment in new innovative ways of delivering care that meet these growing needs.
“While it is positive to see some improvements on waits for care, it just isn’t acceptable that over 400,000 people and families are still struggling to get the support they need.”
Notes to editors
- The Nuffield Trust is an independent health think tank. We aim to improve the quality of health care in the UK by providing evidence-based research and policy analysis and informing and generating debate
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