Cono Ariti is a consulting Biostatistician and Health Data Analyst working in industry, academia and the third sector. Cono has a long-standing interest in the application of quantitative methods in healthcare ranging from clinical research to evaluations of policy interventions. Cono was a Senior Research Analyst at the Nuffield Trust from 2013 to 2015 working on a variety of quantitative projects.
After a successful career as a Senior Analytical Leader in the banking sector Cono retrained as a medical statistician obtaining his MSc at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2009. After his MSc Cono was employed as a lecturer in medical statistics at LSHTM which was his home until 2017 with breaks for analytical roles at McKinsey and Co, the Health Foundation and Imperial College in addition to the Nuffield Trust. For family reasons in 2017 Cono moved to Cardiff University where he lectured and conducted research in the medical school. In 2022 he moved to a boutique clinical research organisation before finally starting his own consultancy at the start of 2025.
In addition to his day job Cono is a Visiting Researcher at Imperial College, and an honorary Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University. For the past decade Cono has been the statistical advisor for the London based Manson Unit of Médecins Sans Frontières and he also supports the research efforts of other third sector organisations. Cono is also a passionate teacher of statistics and quantitative methods and is a lecturer on the European Education Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE) summer course as well as teaching on the distance learning MSc in epidemiology at LSHTM.