Veena Raleigh


Veena Raleigh

Senior Associate

Nuffield Trust

Veena is an epidemiologist with extensive research experience and publications in public health, health inequalities, ethnic minority health issues, quality of care and patient experience.  She joined the King's Fund in 2009 to work on information and quality measurement issues.  Her recent publications for The Fund include a BMJ editorial on Covid-19 deaths and a report jointly with OECD Is Cardiovascular Disease Slowing Improvements in Life Expectancy?. She is currently writing an overview of ethnic minority health which will be published in early 2021. Before joining the Fund Veena spent 8 years at the Healthcare Commission as a Fellow in Information Policy and was a Reader at the Postgraduate Medical School, University of Surrey. Veena has also worked for international agencies on health and population issues in developing countries, and on international health care quality measurement projects with the Commonwealth Fund and the OECD. Veena was awarded a Fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health in 2005, and a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Medicine in 2007.

Veena Raleigh has worked on

  • 03/11/2022
  • Theo Georghiou | Jonathan Spencer | Sarah Scobie | Veena Raleigh
  • 07/06/2021
  • Sarah Scobie | Jonathan Spencer | Veena Raleigh