Between you and me: closing the gap between people and health care

This monograph explores the relationship between health care and the concept of the self.


Published: 01/07/2001

ISBN: 0117025291

Ninth H.M. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Fellowship Lecture: In this monograph Professor Corner explores how the relationship between health care and those in need of it operates and is experienced: how and why in many instances health care erodes or undermines this relationship and calls for a more concerted effort to be made to incorporate the notion of ‘self’ and care of people’s ‘selves’ into health care.

Also explored is the ‘great space’ between the patient and the health care system, the power of biomedicine, the fact that gender continues to determine professional health care roles, and the contribution of the built environment to health care.

Suggested citation

Corner J (2001) Between you and me: closing the gap between people and health care. Nuffield Trust.