Electronic Personal Health Records: emergence and implications for the UK

This report looks into the potential impact of integrated care records within the NHS.


Published: 19/03/2007

ISBN: 978-1-905030-22-3

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This report is based on a Nuffield Trust workshop on Electronic Personal Health Records (ePHRs). Despite localised experiences of electronic record access, there had been little explicit discussion of the ePHR concept at the time within the UK, and the portal NHS HealthSpace was at an early stage of maturity, which offered this workshop an opportunity to influence the agenda.

Papers which dealt with the concepts, theory, practical experience, research evidence and opinion, have now been combined and updated to provide this report with an overview of the current situation.

Suggested citation

Pagliari C, Detmer D and Singleton P (2007) Electronic Personal Health Records: emergence and implications for the UK. Research report. Nuffield Trust.