The New EU health policy and the NHS systems

This paper explains the ways in which the EU is involved in health policy at national level.


Published: 01/02/2005

ISBN: 1905030010

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This briefing paper sets out mechanisms which bring the EU into health services policy and then discusses the emerging opportunities and challenges for the family of health services across the devolved United Kingdom.

The research set out in this paper is part of the Nuffield Trust's programme on the Changing Role of the State and the Machinery of Government for Health Policy, which focuses on globalisation,regionalisation and devolution.

The author’s intention is to ensure that policy makers across the health services of the UK develop an appreciation of the European dimension and develop their skills in EU politics and administration before the rules of the game are set by others.

Suggested citation

Greer S (2005) The New EU health policy and the NHS systems. Research report. Nuffield Trust.