BSE and the principles of public health

This paper explores the origin of the BSE epidemic and looks at predictions of new infection and cases of BSE.


Published: 01/03/1999

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In this paper, Sir John explores the origin of the BSE epidemic and looks at predictions of new infection and cases of BSE, annual occurrence of new infection and the number of cases by year of diagnosis.

Professor Sir John Pattison’s lecture, which is reproduced in this report, is particularly timely, given the current Philips Enquiry into the BSE episode and a heightened awareness of the risks to public health from globalisation of trade and travel.

There is an ever growing range of new and serious challenges which will need to be faced by the public health infrastructures at a national level.

It is important to ensure that adequate scientific investigation, technical support and the capacity of public administration and the political processes are able to respond promptly, effectively and responsibly.

The discipline of public health is increasingly coming into the spotlight and effective communication of public policy is a major challenge, but as yet is insufficiently addressed.

Suggested citation

Pattison J (1999) BSE and the principles of public health. Research report. Nuffield Trust.
