Making better use of NHS buildings and land could be a good way of improving the quality of the health service, but it can be a complicated and controversial topic.
As part of our ongoing work on NHS estates, we asked a number of people from within and outside the organisation to consider the subject and give us their thoughts. Here is a collection of articles from the following experts:
- Helen Buckingham (Senior Fellow, Nuffield Trust)
- Nigel Edwards (Chief Executive, Nuffield Trust)
- Andy Cowper (Contributing Editor, HSJ and Editor, Health Policy Insight)
- Stephen Collier (Non-Executive Director, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) and Nick Bliss (independent infrastructure advisor)
- Michael Wood (Local Growth Advisor, NHS Confederation)
- Richard Darch (Chief Executive, Archus Ltd).
Please note that views expressed in guest articles are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Nuffield Trust.
Suggested citation
Nuffield Trust (ed) (2018) NHS estates: viewpoints.