Health policy summit 2010

The Nuffield Trust’s second annual Health Policy Summit took place in the run up to the 2010 general election, when the challenges facing the NHS had rarely been greater.


Start date: 24/03/2010 | 9:00

End date: 24/03/2010 | 12:45

Wotton House

Guildford Road
United Kingdom

For more information on this summit contact:

The 2010 Summit brought together a range of international experts and health leaders from across the UK to appraise the latest evidence and give new insights into improving health care.

The Summit examined three key related areas – efficiency, integrated care and competition – and analysed how the NHS could best move forward on these in the next phase of its development.  Using rich evidence from the UK, Europe and the US, the event examined the strategic, clinical, scientific and managerial issues confronting health leaders working to improve performance and outcomes for patients.