Choosing between remote and face to face consultations

This virtual workshop developed principles that guided decisions about the type of consultation - remote or face to face - that can be used most effectively in general practice.


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Matt Hancock's call for all consultations in general practice to be remote unless there is a compelling reason, was quickly followed by news reports of fustrated patients demanding to be seen in person. This raised questions around what form of consultation works best, and how to choose between remote and face to face consulations in primary care. This workshop formed part of a consensus process to guide and support clinicans and patients when choosing between different types of consultation. It built on themes identified in focus groups, with patients, carers and citizens, clinicans and practice support staff. 

This workshop was part of the Remote by default research programme, led by Professor Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford which examined the sudden switch to remote consulting during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

This event was held online on Thursday 10th December 2020. 

For more information about this event, please get in touch by email via