Thousands of ambulance staff hours lost each day as delays continue

Sarah Scobie responds to the latest monthly NHS performance statistics.

Press release

Published: 08/12/2022

Responding to the latest monthly NHS performance stats, Nuffield Trust Deputy Director of Research Sarah Scobie said:

“NHS hospitals are desperately struggling to get patients in and patients out fast enough, and the situation continues to deteriorate as the temperature drops and we head into the most challenging winter months.

“Ambulance handover delays have again hit record levels. In the last week of November, 24,000 patients waited over 30 minutes in ambulances outside of hospitals, causing enormous stress for patients and their families. Data also shows the severe impact on staff with these delays resulting in the loss of an average of 3,400 hours of ambulance staff time per day which could be used for patient care.

"These record waits are despite slightly fewer patients arriving by ambulance than in previous winters. Patients in desperate need are having to brace themselves for very long waits in ambulance bays and corridors, and now it would appear more and more are choosing alternative ways to reach hospital.

“Ambulances are one of the most visible and vital cogs of the emergency care machine, and it is becoming more painfully visible that they are under severe strain. The government has confirmed additional funding to tackle the delayed discharges behind some of these problems, but it is far too late in the day to have a meaningful impact this winter. On top of confirmed ambulance and nurse strikes, unfortunately winter will keep getting harder for patients and NHS staff.”

Notes to editors
