Health, foreign policy and security: Working Paper Number 1

This discussion paper provides a conceptual framework for linking between health, foreign policy and security.


Published: 01/04/2003

ISBN: 1902089871

Download the report [PDF 319.8KB]

In recent times, health issues have become increasingly important to foreign and security policy, and the links between these areas are increasingly being recognised.

This discussion paper is the first working paper produced by the UK Global Health Programme, an initiative of the Nuffield Trust and the Nuffield Health and Social Services Fund. The programme, which has developed out of the Nuffield Trust’s work on the implications of globalisation for the health of the people of the United Kingdom, extends the Nuffield Trust’s research interest to the fields of foreign and security policy.

The UK Global Health Programme will over the next three years explore further the connections between health, foreign and security policy in the light of globalisation and the shifting international debate.

This paper, by Colin McInnes and Kelley Lee, lends further impetus to the effort to understand the place of health in the policy agenda.

Suggested citation

Lee K and McInnes C (2003) Health, foreign policy and security: Working Paper Number 1. Research report. Nuffield Trust.