Charts of the week
We take a regular look at charts that address a vital issue around health and care, presenting our analysis of the data to illustrate key issues and invite discussion.

Fewer children admitted to hospital for asthma as air quality improves
Chart of the week
What proportion of NHS staff are carers?
Chart of the week
What has happened to the funding earmarked for social care reform?
Chart of the week
What has happened to junior doctors' pay?
Chart of the week
Is it just MMR affected by a vaccination confidence crisis?
Chart of the week
The changing experience levels of NHS staff
Chart of the weekGetting beyond averages: charting the variation in NHS earnings
Chart of the week
The past, present and future of NHS nurse numbers
Chart of the week
Physical health care for the severely mentally ill
Chart of the week
Growing numbers of delayed discharges from community hospitals
Chart of the week
The rise in dental service recommendations from NHS 111
Chart of the week
How will a new pay settlement for NHS staff affect real-terms earnings?
Chart of the week
The gender divide in reasons for economic inactivity
Chart of the week
When being 64 for the most deprived feels like 90 for the better off
Chart of the week
How long do Covid-19 patients spend in hospital?
Chart of the week
Are there enough intensive care beds available for children this winter?
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: What has happened to NHS staff pay since 2010?
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: Varied progress being made on NHS staffing targets
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: Staff vacancies and shortfalls in the NHS
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: Where are NHS nurses recruited from?
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: How do MMR vaccination rates vary across England?
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: How has the waiting list changed over the years?
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: How do ambulance handover delays vary across England?
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: What’s happening to hospital discharges?
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: How quickly are NHS 111 answering calls this winter?
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: The tumbling numbers of social care staff
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: The rise of over four-hour A&E waits across the UK
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: NHS backlog maintenance is shooting through the roof
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: Are hospitals returning to pre-Covid activity levels?
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: The slow uptake of booked A&E appointments
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: The pathway to cancer diagnosis
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: Diversity in recruitment to the NHS
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: The work-related stress of NHS staff during Covid-19
Chart of the week
Chart of the week: Real-terms NHS staff pay from 2010 to 2020
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: How long do Covid-19 patients spend in hospital?
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: Covid-19 and the pressure on NHS critical care beds
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: From horribilis in 2020 to mirabilis in 2021?
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: Test and Trace and tiers – what’s the connection?
Chart of the week

Chart of the week: The knowns and unknowns of NHS Test and Trace
Chart of the week