The impact of new technologies on future primary care

This publication describes a new generation of miniaturised diagnostic equipment and a unique visual interface for the electronic patient record.


Published: 01/11/2000

ISBN: 1902089529

Download the report [PDF 251.7KB]

Some of the technological developments discussed in this report have considerable implications for skill mix and workforce planning, particularly as patients in the future are more likely to be managed within primary care for their entire illness episode.

Such a shift in emphasis will alter the dynamics of the current primary/secondary care referral axis. The innovations are discussed in the context of the National Health Technology Assessment Programme and information technology strategy. Whilst welcoming new technologies and their positive impact on patient care, the report cautions widespread adoption of such technologies without first carrying out a careful evaluation.

Suggested citation

Rashid A (2000) The impact of new technologies on future primary care. Research report. Nuffield Trust.