Fiona Johnson


Fiona Johnson

Senior Associate

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Fiona Johnson is a former Director of Communications at the Nuffield Trust.

Fiona joined the Nuffield Trust 1 March 2016. Her communications career has focused on health and education, and has included senior and director roles for the British Medical Association, General Teaching Council for England and the Royal College of Nursing.  The RCN’s external affairs team was CIPR’s in-house team of the year in 2013 and its campaign film “This is Nursing” secured a silver dolphin at Cannes in the same year. Fiona has experience and expertise across the communications mix, including media, parliamentary affairs, campaigns, events, marketing, publishing and web site development. She believes passionately that effective communications, strategically deployed, can enhance the reach and impact of policy and research for the benefit of patients and the public.

Fiona has a first class degree is in modern languages and she holds a diploma in public relations. She is a Trustee of What Works for Children’s Social Care.

Fiona Johnson has worked on

  • 18/03/2022
  • Fiona Johnson
  • 16/02/2018
  • Mark Dayan | Fiona Johnson
  • 15/12/2017
  • Fiona Johnson