Sarah joined the Nuffield Trust in 2018 as Deputy Director of Research. Prior to the Nuffield Trust she worked in senior analytical roles in the NHS, public health, and arm’s-length bodies, including the National Patient Safety Agency, and Healthcare Commission.
Sarah’s work at the Nuffield Trust focuses on quality measurement, evaluating innovation in healthcare, and developing analytical research methods. She leads the QualityWatch programme, with the Health Foundation, which provides independent scrutiny of how the quality of health and social care is changing over time, and she has also led work on the quality of ethnic variation in elective care, and integration of health and social care. Recently she has co-authored our report on end-of-life care for people who died at home, and the implications of the growing number of people who die at home.
Sarah has many years’ experience as an information specialist in the NHS. She has a PhD in medical geography and an MSc in Health Economics and Health Policy.